Learn about Advantages of Stainless Steel Plate in Construction

What is an Abrex Plate?

Abrex Plate is a form of wear-resistant steel plate that is widely utilised in mining, construction, and agriculture. Abrex Plate is noted for its excellent hardness, toughness, and durability, making it highly resistant to abrasion, impact, and wear.

Abrex Plate may be customised to match the unique needs of various applications and is offered in a range of thicknesses and widths. In order to achieve its great strength and toughness, it is often manufactured with low quantities of carbon and high levels of alloying elements like chromium, manganese, and others. To purchase the item, get in touch with us at Maxell Steel & Alloys.

Types Of Abrex Plate

Abrex 400 Plate

The most common kind of abrasion plate, this one is made for applications requiring strong abrasion resistance. Abrex 400 plates are frequently used in fields where parts are subject to abrasive wear, such as mining, construction, and agriculture. They are employed in the production of chutes, liners, and hoppers as well as heavy machinery parts including buckets, dump truck bodies, and crushers.

visit: Abrex 400 Plate Manufacturer in India

Abrex 500 Plate

Abrex 500 is a 500 HBW nominal hardness steel plate with outstanding strength and abrasion resistance. It is suited for applications requiring exceptional wear resistance and high strength. Abrex 500 plates are frequently used in fields where parts are subject to severe abrasive wear, such as mining, construction, and agriculture. They are employed in the production of chutes, hoppers, and crushers as well as heavy machinery parts including bulldozer blades, truck bed liners, and excavator buckets.

visit us: Abrex 500 Plate Manufacturer in India

Uses of Abrex Plate 

Abrex Plate is widely utilised in a variety of sectors because to its superior wear and abrasion resistance. Abrex Plate is commonly used for the following purposes:

Mining industry: Abrex Plate is used to create buckets, dump truck bodies, liners, and other mining-related components that are subjected to intense wear and abrasion.

Construction industry: Abrex Plate is used to produce concrete mixers, construction gear, and other equipment that requires exceptional strength and durability.

Agricultural industry: Abrex Plate is used in farm gear such as ploughs and cultivators to prevent wear and lengthen the equipment's lifespan.

Recycling industry: Abrex Plate is used in shredders and other recycling equipment to resist wear and increase the equipment's lifespan.

Manufacturing industry: Abrex Plate is utilised in a variety of production operations, including stamping and cutting, where excellent wear resistance is required.

Overall, Abrex Plate is a highly versatile material that can be used in a wide range of applications where wear and abrasion resistance is required.  


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